Bus Advertising Prints

Queen Size Bus Ad Printing

Durable, Vibrant printed vinyl queen size bus ads

Bus Ad Printing That Gets Seen

Durable, Vibrant printed vinyl queen size bus ads

Make it BIG. Make it BOLD. Make it Queen Size Bus ad.

Your message deserves a Queen Size entrance. Reach thousands with impactful bus advertising.

Don’t settle for small. Go Queen Size. Dominate the streets with eye-catching bus ads.

  • Tired of feeling cramped? Expand your reach with Queen Size bus advertising. Reach a massive audience on the move.
  • Make a statement that can’t be ignored. Queen Size bus ads deliver powerful visuals and messaging that leave a lasting impression.
  • Target your ideal customers with precision. Choose specific routes and demographics to maximize your impact.
  • Cost-effective advertising that works. Reach thousands of potential customers for a fraction of the cost of other media.
  • Stand out from the crowd. Be the queen! of the road with a Queen Size bus ad campaign.

Our Professional tips:

  • Keep your ad concise and easy to read from a distance.
  • Use strong visuals that grab attention.
  • Include a clear call to action.
  • Target your message to your specific audience.

Queen-Sized Bus Ads gets your message in front of 1,000’s

Are you looking for a targeted communication tool to better reach your customers to gain new customers? Whether you need to promote an event, a program or service, “Image Square Printing” Bus advertising program is a great way to successfully spread your advertising message to the masses, with larger-than-life messages that people simply can’t ignore.

With both bus fleet advertising and outdoor bus shelter signage opportunities, we deliver the reach and frequency you need to effectively capture your audience These prints will make the biggest impact possible across many locations. Use our experience to print your idea and then use our connections in Los Angeles transit authority and Santa Monica Big Blue Bus to install your colorful print media.

At Image Square Printing, we know the sizes for the Queen, King, and tail bus ads. We know how to print your bus ads-Los Angeles AND Santa Monica Big Blue Bus. Let us know which transit authority serves your area, we will gladly contact their advertisement group on your behalf. This is just a complementary service that we provide.

Queen Size Bus Ads with Attention-Grabbing Colors

Printed on top quality Flexcon Busmark Adhesive Vinyl. Laminated with Cold Lam with Anti-Graffiti elements for long-lasting effects. Vibrant colors used during printing will allow for the best results when it comes to getting your advertisement noticed.

Call to action:

  • Contact us today, call us at 310-586-2333 to learn more about Queen Size or our bus advertising program in general. Let’s take your brand to the next level!
  • Visit our website for a free quote by using our price calculator above and see how Queen Size bus ads can work for you.
  • Don’t wait! Book your bus ad program today and start dominating the streets.